Friday, November 24, 2017

Local teachers who've been in movies

There's this teacher at the local junior high school. He was friends with my brother when they were in high school. Turns out the guy has about eight credits listed on imdb. He wrote, directed and starred in one short film, appeared in couple of TV episodes and in acted in a few movies. I know he's appeared in movies that didn't get listed there.

I don't know how his students react when they find out that he's an actor.

In my day, we had a teacher who told us he had been in a movie over the summer. We might have been impressed or shown some interest, but this was in the first week of our first semester of high school. We didn't know who this guy was and we were in a large class of kids who didn't know each other. No one wanted to be the first to enthuse over the teacher's glamorous life.

He's in his 70's now. If he were still teaching, he could tell the class he was in a movie that was mocked on Rifftrax, the new incarnation of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Kids who knew what it was would be impressed.

He appears at the :55 second mark. The guy following behind the other guy.

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