Friday, February 2, 2018

Rose McGowan, Victor Salva, Justin Timberlake

Rose McGowan in an August, 2011 interview in The Advocate:
You're starring in the upcoming thriller Rosewood Lane, which was written and directed by Powder's Victor Salva, whose films often reflect his gay sensibility and outsider mentality. Is that the case with Rosewood Lane?

I don't think so. And I do not have good clothes in that film either; I had to wear office-lady clothes and it killed me. That was an interesting dynamic, because Victor had never done a movie with female lead, and he was uncomfortable. He really doesn't relate to women well. He was open about that, which was slightly jarring, because I don't really know what to do with that information.

Well, Salva is a convicted and registered sex offender, which might account for some social awkwardness.

Yeah, I still don't really understand the whole story or history there, and I'd rather not because it's not really my business. But he's an incredibly sweet and gentle man, lovely to his crew, and a very hard worker.
Salva got a couple of years in prison for molesting a 12-year-old boy who appeared in one of his earlier films. He videotaped himself committing the crime. I don't know why McGowan was defending him or what she couldn't understand about it.

It's a little strange to read The Advocate referring to a pedophile as having a "gay sensibility" after the attacks on Kevin Spacey for coming out as gay while responding to an accusation that he climbed on top of a 14-year-old boy.

Now McGowan is smearing actors who appeared in Woody Allen movies. She attacked Justin Timberlake for appearing in The Wonderwheel. The accusations against Allen have been proven false---in Salva's case the crime was on videotaped. There's something wrong with McGowan.

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