Thursday, November 30, 2017

Matt Lauer vs Brian Williams

I ate at a restaurant which I don't usually do. It was a place favored by elderly working class people. A couple sitting nearby were discussing Matt Lauer. The wife thought that The Today Show was the last people trusted, by which I think she meant that it wasn't blatantly biased as far as party politics went. They compared and contrasted Brian Williams with Matt Lauer. Would you rather have an abuser or a liar?

I should eat out more.

There was that one time I ate lunch at a Pizza Hut. A large extended family was eating there. Several tables were lined up. The family matriarch spoke in a European accent I couldn't identify. She said that all the places they lived had ghosts. One night, the family was in bed. They heard someone walk to the bathroom and close the door. They lay there waiting for them to come out and go back to bed, but no one came out again. Finally, one of them yelled, "Get out of the bathroom already so we can sleep!" But no one answered. Because it was a ghost!

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