I watched Rachel Maddow ethusing about the murder of Muammar Gaddafi. I've never seen her so happy.
She started talking about how terrible he was, but----let me see. What did she say?
She said Reagan bombed Libya, which she seemed to think was proof that Gaddafi was bad. Then she mentioned the bombing of that Pan Am flight, which pretty much everyone outside the United States thinks was the work of Iran in retaliation for the U.S. shooting down an Iranian airliner.
But Maddow didn't connect the two events. Reagan ordered the bombing of Tripoli. He had several planes targeting Gaddafi's tent. They seriously injured members of his family and killed his baby daughter. And this, allegedly, was his reason for his retaliating and blowing up an airliner over Scotland.
Reagan ordered the bombing because, he claimed, the Libyans had bombed a nightclub in Germany. The "proof" was some radio message sent to Libya, which people now think was the work of the Israelis.
Maddow didn't see fit to mention that U.S. and Britain have been sending people to Libya to be tortured as part of the "war on terror".
They keep repeating the claim that NATO launched its bombing campaign to "protect civilians". The UN resolution called for a no-fly zone, but NATO immediately started slaughtering people.
They dropped 30,000 bombs on the country. According to the NATO rebels, they killed around 50,000 people.
Now, according to these people, Gaddafi had no support at all. None. No one in the country supported him. Who were the fifty thousand people they killed? Why did they have to drop 30,000 bombs to depose someone who absolutely everyone hated?
I don't know how many Americans watched the video of Muammar Gaddafi covered with blood surrounded by the NATO rebels. It's hard to imagine that many people would feel any sympathy for the sadistic scum who murdered him.
I've heard coverage of this for months. All of it consisted of U.S. reporters ridiculing the Libyans for trying to show them the results of the bombing and the victims of the bombing.
The footage of Muammar Gaddafi covered with blood is probably the first footage we've seen of the victims of NATO's bombing campaign.
Google: The Killing Of Gadaffi: Libya: What Rachel Maddow, Richard Engle & Fareed & Salon forgot to tell you