There is some optimistic talk about an Atlas Shrugged Part Two coming out this year. But I don't know how far along they are since they're talking about getting a new cast. There were no big names in Part One. So, even though it's a continuation of the same movie, they're going to try to get together a new cast of big names.
Good luck to them. Part One already bombed, Part Two will almost certainly do worse and major stars aren't going to take on the roles of actors nobody ever heard of.
I think they should go the other direction. The first movie brought in $4.6 million. The second movie might optimistically hope to gross $3 million. In general, a movie had to gross two and a half times its budget to break even. So if they can make Part Two for, say, half a million dollars, they should turn a tidy profit----not enough to make up for their huge losses on Part One, obviously, but the same core group of Ayn Rand fans will go to it, and that's pretty much the entire audience in any case. They should get a new cast of complete unknowns and film it all on digital video in a studio in front of a green screen.
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