Many, many years ago, I had a friend from high school who came home from the Marine Corps. It wasn't his choice. He had been kicked out after a nervous breakdown. His family such as it was had moved out of the area. There wasn't much for him to return to. He lived with a friend for a short time then moved into a small, unfurnished room. It was in an old house converted to apartments. His room had been a utility room where the washing machine used to be. It was good because he had his own entrance, but it opened up into the alleyway so it created a security problem.
I think he found a chair somewhere. And he had a little black and white TV. He smoked, so I bought him an ashtray. I should have done more for him. I was barely employed myself. I drove him around to put in job applications.
But one night, I came over and we sat there and watched Geraldo Rivera open Al Capone's vault. What would be in it? Hidden loot? His victims? Anything?
My friend made fun of Geraldo where he fired a Thompson submachine gun.
I started getting bored.
"How long does this thing go on?"
I thought it was only an hour. Turned out to be two hours.
Okay. So. They finally opened this thing on live TV.
"We found a Coke bottle!"
There was nothing in there. A brick wall had been put up in the basement of this building in the 1920s to give it more structural support.
We did get to make fun of Geraldo, and it was a nice enough evening. I think I brought some food over and we sat there eating.
Dead Zionist Andrew Breitbart
I was going to make the Al Capone's vault anecdote much shorter and use it to lead in to this.
I think the key to understanding Breitbart is that he was a Zionist. He brought standard Zionist tactics to Republican politics. He saw no reason to tell the truth, he lied and smeared anyone who showed the slightest sign of disagreement all the while whining that he was a victim.
Anyway, the video Breitbart said he unearthed of Obama has now come out. The video he claimed would shock America. And it's every bit as startling as the stuff in Al Capone's "vault". Obama speaks at a political rally at Harvard, sounding pretty much the way he does now. I think they were calling for more minority professors in the law school.
There's nothing there. I doubt very much there's any embarrassing video of Obama anywhere. Not like George W Bush. There's video of Bush obviously drunk at a wedding a couple of years after he claimed to have found the lord and shunned alcohol. I'm sure there's more film and video shot over the years that his friends are still concealing.
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