A while back I wrote about Jeremy Clarkson, the big ugly oaf from the BBC's Top Gear. He appeared on a British talk show and called for British health care workers to be murdered in front of their families. He thought nurses made too much money, and the elderly British millionaire thought that people who made too much money should be killed.
People reacted unkindly to Clarkson. Naturally, he got his knickers in a twist. He and his defenders argued that he was TRYING to offend people, and, therefore, anyone who was offended was persecuting him, if you can see the reasoning there.
Now we have Rush Limbaugh, calling a young woman a "slut" and a "prostitute" for speaking before Congress in favor of insurance coverage for contraception.
Amazingly enough, Limbaugh has been married to women of child bearing age. How is it that he doesn't have any children? He was once arrested at an airport for carrying Viagra that wasn't prescribed to him. I don't know if he and his wives used contraceptives or if they were in sexless, sham marriages. These seem like equally likely possibilities.
Now, of course, Limbaugh and his supporters claim that he's being "vilified" by Democrats. He was intentionally offensive, and, as his kind always do, he claims he's a victim because people were offended.
Limbaugh has gotten away with attacks on women for years, mainly because he's a big fat ass loud mouth and even people who like him assume that no woman would ever want him. Even after Limbaugh became a multi-millionaire raking in tens of millions of dollars a year, he still had to turn to the Worldwide Web to find a woman somewhere willing to have anything to do with him. Even people who haven't thought it through know instinctively that someone like him is going to feel a sense of grievance against women.
Part of his problem is that he's gone too far and part of it is that it's perverse for a fat old man to be mad at college girls for rejecting him.
He started taking unprescribed Viagra™ and the result was that he became an even larger erect asshole than we already knew he was.