One of the ladies from Pussy Riot® (now a registered trademark) had the good sense to hire a real lawyer, one interested in making actual legal arguments to get her released. And she walked free, more or less. She's on probation. She'd likely go back to jail if she does any more public orgy videos or uses shoplifted poultry as a marital aid as they did in another video.
The other two are heading for prison. They're still in the local jail, apparently. They say they'll appeal, but if they're using the same lawyers, more interested in making political statements than representing their clients, they're finished.
If you're ever accused of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred, don't keep talking about how much you hate the church you're accused of desecrating.
They are now the "winners" of some sort of Yoko Ono peace prize. What they ever did for peace isn't clear.
They've set the cause of feminism back decades.
Feminism has never been popular in Russia. I have a friend on-line, a Russian woman in western Siberia. She seemed to view feminism as man-hating. I pointed out a couple of the things feminists were fighting for----abortion rights, equal pay----but these are things they already have in Russia and have had since the early days of the Soviet Union. The Communists passed equal pay laws in 1919, something the US has yet to do.
"Why would they pay men and women differently?" she asked. She never heard of anything like it.
Abortion there is safe, legal, available in any hospital, and is pretty much free. Feminism just doesn't offer them much that they don't already have.
And now this is the Russian image of feminism. Pussy Riot®. American and European feminists defending and supporting these idiots isn't helping.
And there's Femen, the Ukrainian feminist group, that has been using chainsaws to cut down crucifixes while topless. They cut down a crucifix that was erected as a memorial to Christians killed in the Soviet repression of religion and to the people who died in the famine there in the '30s.
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