Sam Peckinpah thought that Dustin Hoffman's character's bad karma was the cause of all the trouble in Straw Dogs.
If you believe in that sort of thing, who had the worst karma on Breaking Bad? Jesse was repeatedly beaten up, he had two girlfriends who are killed, he likes children but all the children around him are murdered, orphaned, hospitalized, or some combination of those. His younger brother wasn't harmed physically, but he was doomed, trapped with the same parents who turned Jesse into a miserable wreck.
Dustin Hoffman triumphs in the end of Straw Dogs. And Jesse is the one who gets away alive. Hank and Gomez got too close to him and were killed. It was only because the Nazis drag Jesse out to show Walt that he's their slave, not their business partner, that Walter is able to carry out his plan to kill all the Nazis.
Jesse travels to Mexico, spends a day with a Mexican drug cartel and they all die, Hank is shot and Gus is poisoned.
If Walter had picked a different former student to work with---someone who was really lucky---the show would have gone in an entirely different direction.
Vince Gilligan, creator of the series, said that the point of the show is that people make a conscious choice to be good or bad. You can be good or bad, but there's no escape from Jesse's karmic vortex of death,
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Better Call Saul
I watched an episode of Better Call Saul, the Breaking Bad spinoff. I didn't expect to like it that well. But it was great!
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