Wednesday, May 29, 2019
We're doomed. Dooooomed.
Pretty much nobody who failed to vote for Hillary Clinton feels bad about it. A few voted for Jill Stein but larger numbers just didn't vote.
It raises doubts about the explanation that people didn't vote for her because they thought it was a forgone conclusion that she would win. In any case, the corporate Democrats think it's a forgone conclusion that Trump will lose this time because everyone will now vote for absolutely anybody the Democrats nominate, even if it's Biden.
This is why Trump will be re-elected.
The Democrats have used this strategy for years. They think as long as they're ever so slightly to the left of the Republican, all the leftists and progressive and liberals will have no choice but to vote for them.
Jimmy Carter was a terrible conservative. People don't seem to remember this. He ended detente with the Soviet Union, he brought back draft registration and he raised the military budget several hundred percent while slashing social spending. His projected military budget was higher that Reagan's actual budget turned out to be. His crap about "human rights" was simply an excuse to attack the Soviet Union while he was an avid supporter of death squads in Latin America. He refused to pay reparations to Vietnam because, he said, "The destruction was mutual". Meaning we dropped seven million tons of bombs on them, but they shot down a few of our planes.
Even Carter knew why he lost. Because liberals couldn't stand him. Enough of them voted for John Anderson who ran as an independent that Carter lost. Carter said this publicly. Anderson had been a Republican and even he was well to the left of him.
The Democratic Party still has "super delegates", but now they only get to vote if no one gets a majority of the delegates in the first ballot. And there are so many candidates that this will never happen. Biden will get the nomination and Trump will be re-elected.
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