Sunday, July 28, 2019
Robot Monster (1953)
See? This is why I can't be taken seriously.
I'm watching Robot Monster, considered one of the worst movies ever made, and I liked it.
It's rather grim, like Schindler's List for children of the early '50's.
The human race has been almost completely wiped out by robots calling themselves "Ro-Men" from outer space. Six people survive, hiding out a short distance from the cave from which the Ro-Man is operating.
The family patriarch mentions suicide as an alternative for the family. The Ro-Man, meanwhile, is beginning to have doubts about the whole genocide thing.
It had only eight actors in it. I was a bit surprised that they each had a long list of credits on It wasn't like an Ed Wood movie full of actors who never appeared in anyone else's films. The little girl was the only one with no other credits.
Actress Selena Royle was one of the stars and Elmer Bernstein composed the music. Royle had been blacklisted for refusing to testify before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and Bernstein had been greylisted as a leftist.
The Ro-Man was a guy in a gorilla suit with a space helmet. It was stupid, but he moved around more freely than other movie robots.
Made in four days for $16,000 ($152,000 today). Filming in 3D reportedly added over $4,000 to the budget. Filmed almost entirely outdoors with stock footage from various other movies.
The thing reportedly grossed about a million dollars but it sounds like they ripped off the director and didn't give him his cut.
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