Tuesday, October 22, 2019
MCU as theme park
I have this second cousin once removed. When she finished college, her grandmother's graduation present was to pay for her to take a trip anywhere she wanted in the world. She chose Disneyland.
That family goes there every couple of years. It seems idiotic.
But then, I once had to fly to Las Vegas for a trade show. It was the only time I've been there.
I was sitting in the airport. I kept staring at a family waiting for the flight. There was something about them that didn't look right but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
It turned out they were French. There was also a German family. The father wore little glasses. Made him look like a German intellectual. I knew they were Germans because the children were watching a German dubbed Disney movie about a princess. And there was a family from East Asia.
All going to Las Vegas.
I felt ashamed to be an American, but I also realized that these people were no smarter than we are. All the places they could have gone and they picked Las Vegas.
Maybe Americans should take advantage of these things. Look at the stupid crap in our country through the eyes of outsiders.
When I started writing this, I was going to say that maybe the Marvel Comic Universe as theme park is a good thing if it saves us from having to go to actual theme parks. But maybe we should get out more.
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