This has been the Democratic Party's strategy for years. They figure that, as long as their candidate is every so slightly to the left of the Republican, all the leftists will have no choice but to vote for them. You'd think Hillary Clinton would be an end of that strategy, but now it's Biden. There's not a single issue on which Biden is more progressive than Clinton and he's dumber than less likable than she is. But, once again, they think Trump is so repellent that we'll have no choice but to vote Democrat.
Now the DNC thinks that voters will carefully calculate whether Biden or Trump is more corrupt and become enthusiastic Biden supporters.
We're all doomed!
Oh well. This is movie-related. You may as well go to film school. The economy is terrible. At times like this, you can either become a nurse or pick some other recession-proof or depression-proof career which even then won't protect you from catastrophic climate change, or you can do whatever you want and rest assured that, no matter how badly you fail, you're not going to miss out on the booming economy.
If you want to succeed in an extremely competitive industry, you generally have to be extremely talented and highly driven.
What we have to do now is figure out a path to success for people who are either highly talented but not driven or highly driven but not talented. Or people who aren't driven or talented who just have some vague thought that making movies might be a good idea.
Give that some thought.
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