Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Way of the West (1934)

The hero is a government agent trying to end attacks against sheep herders by cattlemen. I didn't really catch anyone's name in it and didn't recognize the actors, but I don't think it matters. The hero smiled too much but he did beat up some men who were roughing up a child. The kid played by Bobby Nelson was eleven or twelve. It was refreshing to see a child threatening men with a gun although these movies were aimed at boys and you don't want to encourage that sort of thing.

The star suggests Bobby get a smaller gun, something better suited to a child. Which seems sensible.

1934. IMDb says it's 55 minutes, but the version I saw was 48 minutes.

Seemed a little more crudely made than other B westerns which is good. It gives you the feeling that it could have been made by the characters in the movie.

But it wasn't crude enough. The hero is dressed too neatly in stupid-looking western-wear. The boy sees his father murdered but cheers right up.

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