Thursday, July 27, 2017

Spielberg directed Poltergeist, says John Leonetti

Tobe Hooper's on the left, Spielberg pointing as they film the scene where the tree grabs the kid.

John Leonetti, now a director and cinematographer, worked as an assistant cameraman on Poltergeist (1982) and revealed on the Shock Waves podcast that it was Steven Spielberg who directed Poltergeist, not Tobe Hooper who got credit for it.

It's not surprising. Spielberg was producer on the movie and rumor at the time was that he directed it as well. At the very least, it was believed that he directed the director.

Hooper was "just glad to be there,” Leonetti said. “Steven developed the movie, and it was his to direct, except there was anticipation of a director’s strike, so he was ‘the producer’ but really he directed it in case there was going to be a strike and Tobe was cool with that. It wasn’t anything against Tobe. Every once in a while, he would actually leave the set and let Tobe do a few things just because. But really, Steven directed it…."

Rumor at the time was that there was a clause in the contract for E.T. that barred him from directing another movie until it was done.

Hooper was best known for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and directed Eaten Alive, the TV movie Salem's Lot and Funhouse before being credited for Poltergeist.

Hollywood must have been aware that Spielberg really directed it because, in spite of Poltergeist being a huge hit, Hooper's career didn't really take off. IMDb shows he's directed several movies but has worked mostly in television.

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