Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Trump bans transexuals from the military

Elderly California Republican Bruce Jenner is reportedly unhappy.
Homosexuality had been legal in Turkey since 1858, but the country bans gays from the military. They demand real proof of homosexuality. Horrified teenagers who don't want to be drafted have to provide photos or video of themselves having sex with another man.

In the United States, I thought the combination of legalized same sex marriage and a ban on gays in the military was a good thing. If they ever tried to bring back the draft, every boy in America would go straight from his high school graduation to marry his best friend. Dodging the draft would be almost effortless.

The chickenhawk Obama robbed American youth of that chance for life.

Now Trump has just announced a ban on transexuals in the military. I can't see how that will do anyone any good.

There's been some reporting on draft dodging Republican Bruce Jenner's reaction, but not a word about Chelsea Manning.

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