Friday, December 15, 2017

Kevin Bacon, Death Sentence, 2007

In Death Sentence, Kevin Bacon plays an insurance executive whose son is killed by a gang initiate. The police arrested the killer and they were about to go to trial. The father was the only witness and decides to let the killer go free so he can hunt him and down and murder him. He brutally beats the young fellow before accidentally stabbing him. I guess the killer did get hit by a car earlier and may have been at a physical disadvantage, but I don't think I would set out to commit a murder and just assume I could kill a grown man with little more than my bare hands. I'd bring a gun just in case.

The other gang members figure out who did it and try to kill Bacon and later go after his family.

Bacon's character is surprisingly healthy. He runs and runs and runs in one sequence. No middle aged man can do that. Can you imagine Walter White doing that?

I thought I saw an homage to Taxi Driver at one point.

Based on a novel by the guy who wrote Death Wish and directed by the degenerate who made Saw.

With John Goodman, Aisha Taylor.

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