Thursday, March 1, 2018

Natalie Portman mouths off

Roman Polanski defender Natalie Portman is doing damage control. She now "regrets" signing a petition calling for "the immediate release of Roman Polanski". Polanski had been arrested at the request of the US government when he went to Switzerland to attend a film festival.

A reporter brought up her support for Polanski when Portman started mouthing off about Woody Allen. She didn't give any reason for believing the accusation against him---she just thought everyone should. 

Portman whined:
“I don’t think that’s what the conversation should be about. I think it should be about: Why didn’t Elaine May make a movie every year? Why didn’t Nora Ephron make a movie every year? Where’s the female version of Bill Cosby? Why don’t we see any Asian women in films? There’s so much art that’s being lost by not giving opportunities to women and people of color. Let’s not talk about what man’s career is over.”
We know why Elaine May didn't make a movie every year. She can't direct. Every movie she's made ended up costing at least twice the original budget. It wasn't just that she was in over her head, but she made bizarre decisions to film countless retakes for no good reason. She shot over 100 hours of footage for Ishtar which was an hour and half long. 

Warren Beatty gave May the job directing Ishtar as a "gift". Adjusting for inflation, it cost around $100 million in today's dollars. It's a gift no one's ever given Woody Allen.

Allen's movies are low budget, they generally break even and a few have made pretty good money. They win occasional Oscars. He's able to make one a year because his sister is able to scrounge up financing in Europe.

And Nora Ephron? Did you really want her making a movie a year? How much of that crap do you need?

There IS a female version of Bill Cosby. Roseanne Barr's show was as successful as The Cosby Show. Roseanne and Cosby have both been washed up for a while. What does she think Bill Cosby got that he didn't deserve? I guess it was surprising he got cast in I Spy based on his stand-up act. Does it make sense that she's complaining about Hollywood racism while also attacking Bill Cosby's success?

By the way, where is the Palestinian version of Natalie Portman? She's a racist Zionist who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. She defends Israel destroying the lives of millions of people then complains that the Zionist Nora Ephron wasn't rich enough. 

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