But even back then, I remember one kid saying, "It just didn't have much of a plot." We were all in art class drawing pictures of space ships. But now and then someone would mention how basically disappointing the movie was.
One problem was the gun fights. They all stand out in the open and shoot aimlessly at each other. That gets old fast. Then there was the terrible sword fight between elderly Alec Guinness and whoever was in the Darth Vader costume.
Back then, I had thought that I liked science fiction until I tried reading some. Then I realized that all I really liked was people shooting each other with ray guns. I should have loved Star Wars! But it was still a disappointment.
Star Trek (the original TV series, which was all we had back then) was a feast for the intellect by comparison. They made much better use of their phasers, and they had Jiu-Jitsu fights!
I realize now that the acting was terrible. Mark Hamil was the poor man's Willie Ames. He actually appeared in the pilot to Eight is Enough. It may not have been his fault, though. The dialog stunk.
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