Now he claims that all the plagiarized apologies he has reportedly been tweeting were "performance art". My God. Is he trying to be the poor man's James Franco? Is that why he appeared at the International Film Festival Berlinale with a paper bag on his head that said "I am not famous anymore"?
Yeah, that was clever.By the way, if you're ever physically attacked by Shia LaBeouf or any other actor, always aim for the face. Try to disfigure them--it'll send them packing. Nothing scares a movie star more.
LaBeouf walked out of a press conference in Berlin after making a statement he plagiarized from a documentary about Eric Cantona.
He seems to be trying to pass himself off as---something. An eccentric genius? A performance artist? An intellectual? He hasn't said or done one interesting thing.
Now, Lars Von Trier---HE knows how to be a colorful eccentric.
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