Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Roman Polanski's Frantic (1988, U.S., France)

Kind of weird seeing Eight is Enough's Betty Buckley in this. Polanski's not a snob like I am, I guess.

Harrison Ford as a doctor who arrives in Paris with his wife Buckley for a medical convention. At the hotel they realize she picked up the wrong suitcase at the airport. He takes a shower and when he steps out, she's gone. He tries to find her, tries to convince authorities that something has happened to her and that she hasn't run off with some Frenchman.

Years ago, I saw Invasion of the Body Snatchers with an audience full of university students. They thought it was hilarious when the doctor and his co-star takes pills to stay awake so they don't turn into pod people. Seems like a pretty obvious thing to do.

In this movie, you'd think Harrison Ford would want to keep some of that small amounts of cocaine on hand to keep him awake between the jet lag and the searching.

There's a scene I found hard to watch of Harrison Ford on the roof of a Paris building. It wasn't as easy as they make it look in other movies, especially in loafers.

Polanski's a brilliant director. I avoided this movie for years because I had it confused with a movie with a similar plot called Target made a couple of years earlier, but Polanski made a monkey out of Arthur Penn.

With John Mahoney, the father on Frasier, as an embassy official.

Free on Tubi.

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