Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sudden Terror aka Eyewitness (UK 1970) Mark Lester, Susan George

Filmed in Malta but I'm not sure if it was set there. A boy-who-cried-wolf story. Mark Lester as Ziggy. He has an over-active imagination. His sister (Susan George) and his grandfather (Lionel Jeffries) don't believe him when he sees a couple of cops assassinate a visiting head of state. The killers see him, too, and are trying to find him so they can murder him.

The kid's grandfather is one of those retired British Army officers who dresses for dinner in his ridiculous dress uniform. Do guys like that exist? Still, I liked it when he karate kicks a cop down the stairs and shoots him with his own gun. I don't know why I like seeing the elderly kill people. 

So many innocent by-standers die in this thing, including one child, it would have been less of a loss to humanity if they had just killed Ziggy. But Mark Lester was a surprisingly big star back then. 

Free on Moveland.Tv. Doesn't seem to be available anywhere else.

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