Thursday, May 24, 2018

Kid takes cat to prom

Okay, I was wrong. I said teenagers shouldn't take inanimate objects as dates to their school proms. Instead of a relaxing evening alone, they were stuck carrying around a cardboard cut-out of a celebrity, or a computer, a blow-up doll or a pineapple in one case. But at least with those things you can put them in the trash, stick them in a corner or put them in the trunk of the car when you realize what a horribly stupid mistake it was to bring them.

This guy brought a cat to the prom. Probably spent the evening trying to keep it from panicking. And look where they are. Out in the open. If the cat had gotten loose, he'd never see it again. Probably got cat hair all over his suit.

A vaguely related thing I saw on TV almost 50 years ago

I lived for a short time in San Antonio, Texas, when I was a kid. There was this show on local TV. Local teen intellectuals would discuss important questions. One question was, would you rather have a horse or a mini-bike? They all said a horse because mini-bikes cause pollution. Except one kid who quipped, "You know what kind of pollution horses make?"

I wouldn't want either one, so I would take a mini-bike because, back then, they only cost about $100 and you could stick it in the back of the garage and forget about it.

I don't know if mini bikes are still a thing, so here's a picture of one.

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