Monday, September 6, 2021

In The Heat of the Night, the series

I just had an episode on. It didn't seem especially warm out. Virgil Tibbs wears a suit.

It should have been like Gilligan's Island. Every week Virgil Tibbs tries to leave Sparta and return to Philadelphia but every week there's another crime and his chief back home tells him to stay and help. And he should have been smarter than everyone else.

The show did fine as it was, of course, and now it's long gone. Even if I were helping, it'd be too late.

The police weren't physically intimidating in the movie. Sidney Poitier could have plausibly beaten up any of them except for Rod Steiger and even there, he could outrun him.

Why were police wearing cowboy hats? They wore regular police hats in the movie.

It should have been more like Kurosawa's High and Low, the detectives dressed for the heat in light, short sleeve shirts, untucked to conceal their .32 automatics. The captain had a .25 automatic.

Needed more Southern rural degenerates. And a conniving aristocrat they suspect in every murder. The girl in the movie who likes walking around the house naked in the middle of the night could be a regular character.

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