Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Spanish langauge Dracula (1931) etc

I don't know how long it's been. I went to the doctor. They tried to hand me a diagnostic questionnaire but I'd already gotten it off the internet and filled it out. My answers, according to the thing I read, meant I likely had ADHD. It would explain a lot. But the doctor pooh-poohed it and wouldn't give me Adderall in any case, which wasn't necessarily what I wanted, although why does everybody get Adderall but me?  Woody Allen mentioned Adderall in his memoir, it turns out my brother-in-law takes it and he has a family history of heart disease, too. All the college students take it. It's a crime, but they openly sell it to each other. 

Well, I looked into it and realized I wasn't getting nearly as much caffeine in my diet as I thought. It's the poor man's Adderall. Rather than struggle to ingest enough semi-naturally, never knowing how much I was actually getting, I bought a jar of caffeine pills. But now I keep forgetting to take them. And when I remember, I think, okay, I'll take some caffeine. Then, after a little while I think, Did I just take one? I can't remember.

You don't think that's a sign of ADHD? If I can't take generic caffeine pills responsibly, I probably shouldn't be trusted with a Schedule 2 controlled substance.

In spite of my dwindling attention span, I managed to sit through the Spanish-language version of Dracula (1931) filmed at the same time as the Bela Lugosi version on the same sets. I've heard it was considered better than the English version but it's been so long since I've seen it, I couldn't compare. It was better than I thought it would be. 

By the way, was Werner Herzog's Nosferatu really that great? He's German and did terrible things to the rats in the movie. 

These movies people watch for Halloween are really grim. People dying horrible deaths. They're not as fun as people seem to think.

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