Friday, July 22, 2022

Чтобы выжить (To Survive) aka Red Mob (Russia, 1992)

A violent action film released a year after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Well-made as Soviet movies were. It must have cost a fortune. They destroyed seventeen helicopters and forty-two cars for our entertainment. I hope nobody got killed.

Oleg is a hero of the Afghan War who operates a survivalist camp in the desert near the Afghan border. Terrorists abduct his tween son to force the man to lead a caravan smuggling weapons into Afghanistan. The goal is to set off a series of attacks and provocations to set the stage for a coup in the Soviet Union.

We see men climb from the back of a speeding truck into a hovering helicopter. A Soviet base is massacred, their arsenal stolen and it ends with a harrowing helicopter battle. The helicopters aren't armed, so guys hang out the doors with assault rifles and grenade launchers.

The bad guys in this thing tend to use American, German and Israeli guns. And the kid wears an American Little League cap.

Oleg's not the nicest guy in the world. He wants to save his son, but he keeps it in perspective.

Beautifully dubbed in English. Free on Tubi, or you can pay to see it on Amazon.

In an exotic hat. Here the kid makes his escape.

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