Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sam Bankman-Fried arrested

His parents had been with him for a month in the Bahamas. There are some articles online saying that his parents will be financially ruined paying his legal fees. They're supposedly a progressive family, but their two sons have devoted their lives to grubbing for money. The other one is a stockbroker. And the parents are happy with this.

The Bankman-Fried clan's belief in "Effective Altruism" led to their self-destruction. It's an excuse for being a grotesquely rich, completely unproductive parasite. This is what admiration for George Soros has wrought. That guy is a currency trader. What a humanitarian.

Professors Bankman and Fried correctly accepted the Marxist critique of capitalist society but were too bourgeois to accept the Marxist solution of working class political action. "Effective Altruism" is the opposite of that, the belief that only the super-rich are qualified to mold society. 

If Bankman and Fried were Communists, they would be financially unthreatened. Their sons would be decent people. Communists in capitalist countries are like Calvinists. They live modestly. Because of that they have extra money which they tend to put into rental property which isn't a problem in Marxism. 

Maybe this will be a good thing for them. They've announced their retirement. Once they squander their wealth trying to keep their son out of prison, they can live on Social Security. Move into a camper and do some traveling before settling down somewhere, maybe moving in with their other son if he would have them, if he's not too bitter after years of being the less successful brother even though he's the  good one who stayed out of prison.

Sam gave them a $16 million Bahamian vacation home. How could the other one ever compete with that?

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