Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Matter of Faith, 2014

Harry Anderson plays a university biology prof. He teaches evolution and thinks that Olympic athletes running faster than they used to is proof of evolution. A Christian girl's father is shocked that a public university isn't teaching creationism. 

We see the father talking with his wife:

"Listen to what it says in this high school textbook I picked up at the library. 'Humans came from ape-like ancestors. There is nothing supernatural about the origins of human beings.'"

"How can they say that and get away with it?"

Turns out that Anderson's predecessor at the college taught creationism, so Anderson got him fired. 

Anderson' character is weirdly sinister. Two Christian students talk about him:

"He'll give you a C as a final grade if you just show up without doing any work. Didn't you ever wonder about that?  I mean, no other teacher does that."

"Maybe that's why he's the most popular instructor on campus."

"Or the one with the biggest agenda.... He teaches his evolution lies to get students to doubt their faith in God and the Bible."

It's reasonably well made. Someone compared it to a Hallmark movie. 

Anderson is inexplicably crushed in a debate with the girl's father. They get off the subject of evolution and he rails against religion in general and pooh-poohs life after death.

I don't know how someone from a mainline denomination would react to it. I can't imagine it converting anyone. Which makes it less interesting. If you want to make your own propaganda film promoting anything other than creationism, you wouldn't look to this as a model.

Free on Tubi.

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