Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Christopher Knight on Mannix

We only saw the beginning of the episode. Filmed on a fake movie studio city street. My brother-in-law noticed that one of the businesses was called "Chinese Laundry".  A man came out of a building with a boy.

"That's Peter Brady," I said simply.

"It is Peter Brady," my sister said, which surprised me. I didn't know she ever watched The Brady Bunch.

I had the sound turned down. I don't know what they talked about, but Joe Mannix put his hand on top of Christopher Knight's head. Didn't actually tousle his hair but made a slight tousling motion I guess so the footage would match, so he wouldn't go from tousled hair in the close-up back to neatly coiffed hair in the medium long shot.

Later, Mannix runs into the street and saves the little fellow from getting run over by a truck.

I don't know what channel it was on. I couldn't pick what season or episode to watch, so it was stuck in the first season. I wanted them to see the later opening credits which had some stunt driving. 

Mannix wasn't part of the Brady Bunch universe, but Robert Reed (Mike Brady) appeared in 22 episodes as a police lieutenant and they kept using the Brady Bunch living room set. I guess they didn't think anyone would notice. How many people watched both Mannix and The Brady Bunch?

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