Tuesday, November 28, 2023

My Bloody Valentine (1981)

Another 1980's slasher movie. This one deeply offended Roger Ebert in part because one of the victims was a middle-aged woman. He only wanted to see YOUNG women killed. You really have to be careful what you're outraged by. 

There's town where there had been a serial killer twenty years earlier who left a warning that they must NEVER HAVE ANOTHER VALENTINE'S DAY DANCE. They decide twenty years was long enough, so they arrange such a dance, but people start being killed so they cancel it. Police are then alarmed that some people arranged their own big Valentine's Day party. 

Some of the ladies want to see the coal mine, so the coal miners sneak them in, go down a thousand feet into the mine. That's where the final showdown takes place.

It didn't especially like it. They put more work into it than they had to. I think Roger Ebert painted himself into a corner with his outrage at the genre; he just had to be outraged at a this movie when it wasn't that upsetting. Maybe it was a different time. Maybe I'm some kind of monster who doesn't know when to be offended. I hope it's not the COVID talking.

There was a 2009 remake, reportedly in 3D.

Free on Pluto.

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