Sunday, November 12, 2023

Prom Night (Canada, 1980)

Slasher movie. Probably not a lot you can say about it. Violently bratty kids play a form of hide & seek in an abandoned school. They gang up on a girl who falls out a window to her death. 

Six years later, it's Prom Night! 

This had a couple of plot twists, I guess. A relatively innocent sex offender was wrongly accused of the crime and hospitalized, but now he's escaped. The former children receive threatening phone calls.

It goes for an hour before the slashing begins. The prom has a disco theme, so there are dance sequences that drag on. Jaimie Lee Curtis was a trained dancer so she's the John Travolta of her high school.

Something about a ruffian taking the prom king crown from the rightful winner. The masked slasher goes around doing what you expect him to do.

Eve Plumb, TV's Jan Brady, was reportedly set to star until Jaimie Lee Curtis cruelly stole the role from her. I would have loved seeing a slasher movie with Eve Plumb.

With Canadian star Leslie Nielson. Some sex. More smoking than you'd probably see now. They reportedly had to beef up the violence to avoid a PG rating. 

I didn't watch slasher movies in the '80's, but the few I've now seen weren't that bad. I'm sure I've said this before. There weren't that many people killed compared to some movies, and because they focused on random or somewhat or seemingly random murders, the non-murder scenes were relaxed laid back. They weren't straining to create an intricate, logical plot. 

Available on The Criterion Channel, but I don't imagine it'll be there very long.

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