Sunday, June 23, 2024


Yeah, I watched it on Hulu. I recognized the name Andrew McCarthy but I really don't know who he was/is. The whole Brat Pack thing was after my time. I was in my twenties when they started making their teen movies and they didn't interest me. I did see Ferris Beuller's Day Off but it made no sense to me. In high school, I skipped classes all the time for no reason---I had a friend who got in his car one morning to drive to school but drove seven hours to Boise, Idaho, instead and no one cared especially. My mother skipped school in the 1940's and it was of no concern to anyone.

It never occurred to me that the term "Brat Pack" was derogatory or upsetting to the callous young millionaires who were part of it. Maybe it should have been obvious to me, but I wouldn't have cared.

I read an article in a radical film journal at the time about the way young people were portrayed in cinema. It's been almost forty years, but if I remember correctly, they were described as foul-mouthed ass-grabbing saints. The grown-ups were the villains. It wasn't just these Brat Pack movies. There was Stand By Me where the tweens were pure of heart and the high schoolers had already become cruel monsters. Luckily, the 12-year-olds had a handgun. 

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