Sunday, June 9, 2024

To Die is Hard (2010)

It wasn't bad. Amusing. A Die Hard spoof about a Professor who rises to the occasion when a trio of terrorists invade the English Department.

After watching El Mariachi, I came across a book at the library called The Independent Filmmaker's Guide/How to Make Your Feature Film for $2,000 by Glenn Berggoetz which gives what seems like sensible advice. He's made several movies for next to nothing, some of which were shown theatrically. According to IMDb, To Die is Hard cost around $1,500 and grossed over $5 thousand at the box office which seems pretty good, as good as you could hope for.

The terrorists were lightly armed with obviously toy guns, which was fine. You want people brandishing real guns on the set of a zero-budget movie? El Mariachi had real guns they borrowed from local policia, but I always assumed they were toys.

Free on Tubi.

Writing a book on how to make zero budget movies always seemed like the best, perhaps only way to merchandise a movie that cost nothing. Your book would publicize your movie and your movie would publicize your book and you might get a teaching job out of it. I guess you could try writing a novelization.

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