Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Gotti" movie gets 0% on Rotten Tomatoes

No wonder they called him the "Dapper Don".
John Travolta's movie Gotti got a score of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Viewers had a higher opinion of it than the critics, obviously---at zero percent there's nowhere to go but up---but we don't know how many of those are Scientologists rushing to Travolta's aid and how many are morons with a Trump-like admiration for John Gotti.

Anthony Quinn, John Amos and Mickey Rourke showed up at Gotti's trial to show their support. Anthony Quinn talked and talked to reporters about how, in his neighborhood, they hated rats. And by "rats" he meant squealers---people who reported crimes or testified in court. John Amos just liked the way Gotti dressed and "how he carries himself". Mickey Rourke dropped out of a movie about organized crime because Gotti told him to and he introduced his new Mafia friends to a restaurant owner who began using the Mafia to threaten Union members.

The poor FBI agents who had to listen to hours and hours of John Gotti's conversations attested to what an ape he was. I never watched the reality show Growing Up Gotti, but I'm sure it was like all the other reality shows about rich people who don't deserve to be rich.

Why can't we just send all these "people" to Guantanamo?

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