Thursday, June 7, 2018

Woody Allen: The tide has turned

Moses at fourteen.

It turns out that Moses Farrow's timing was pretty good. He finally got his story out. I don't know if this is anything to go by, but, at least in the comments sections on the internet, the tide seems to have turned in Woody Allen's favor. Some even quit saying that Dylan believes what she's saying----they now think she's a conscious liar.

Almost nobody thinks Soon-Yi is Allen's stepdaughter or adopted daughter any more. Dylan going on TV has backfired in that people can distinguish her from Soon-Yi now.

The anti-Woody Allen crowd reminds me of the housewives in the studio audiences of old daytime talk shows. They thought all comic books were published for children and that all movies were made by major studios. And now they think Woody Allen operates a massive Spielberg-like publicity machine. "He's a movie director, ain't he!"

Of course it's hard to tell with any of this. People who post comments on the internet aren't necessarily representative of the general public, and even if they were, Woody Allen has a fairly narrow audience. There's no telling how any of this will affect his movies.

My impression has always been that people go to his movies because he made them, not because of who's in them. I don't think I've heard of half the younger stars who've appeared in his more recent films, so I don't know if the dim bulbs who swear they'll never work with him again matter.

If he starts working with unknowns, at the rate he makes movies, he would quickly build an army of grateful actors who own him their careers. He'd be like a high-brow Roger Corman.

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