Saturday, December 8, 2018

Quietly on by, Frank V. Ross

This makes it look more interesting than it is.
A movie about a balding unemployed guy in his 20's, unappealing but not in an interesting way. He lives with his mother and sister and thinks being a waiter is beneath him. Shot on video. Picture is low contrast. Nothing looks or sounds very good. Dialog sounds improvised and not in a good way. He hangs around. His friends don't like him.

An hour and thirty two minutes. They could have cut it down to about fifteen minutes and it still wouldn't have been very good.

I guess it was like the time I watched Love Story and couldn't get the image of Erich Segal out of my head. I kept imagining him sitting smugly at his typewriter writing what he thought was clever dialog, all the time thinking it was an antidote to the filth permeating society at the time.

This movie, I kept picturing the director thinking everything he did was brilliant and real.

I didn't make it to the end. Maybe the last twenty minutes would have made it all worthwhile.

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