Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Maybe Woody Allen's chances aren't so good

Hollywood Reporter seemed to think that Amazon's chances against Woody Allen are a better than others have reported. Juries may turn against Allen because of the baseless accusation against him.

I don't know whether public ignorance is a good thing or a bad thing. I would imagine that most people know nothing about Mia and Woody and if they do know anything, they'll be excluded from the jury. Amazon won't be able to claim that Woody married his daughter or his step-daughter or his adopted daughter like the outraged ignoramuses online have. In fact, the jury will look over and see Allen's 48-year-old wife sitting with him and wonder what all the fuss is about.

The Hollywood Reporter article ends with this:
Still, one top executive at an Amazon rival sees the case as a potential windfall for Allen if (and that's a big "if") he wins. "He can take the money and make a few movies and have money for P&A. He can hire a booking and marketing company for a fee," says the exec. "Or sell on the open market. Who knows what company might be willing to distribute? Especially since nothing has changed with him in 25 years."
Even without the $68 million, he probably has the money to do it now.

I've always wondered if prominent directors would be willing to go back to filming low budget movies like they did at the start of their careers. Spike Lee's first movie was She's Gotta Have It made for $175,000. And there were guys like John Waters and Jim Jarmusch. Union rules might get in their way although Woody Allen pays actors the union minimum. Alfred Hitchcock made Psycho to see if he could make a low budget ($800 thousand) movie using the crew from his TV show.

I'm sure there are very good reasons why they don't do it, but I've never felt sorry for millionaires who can't get funding for their movies.

I've never understood Allen using such big stars. I can't imagine Leonardo DiCaprio fans flocking to a Woody Allen movie because he was in it. How many Miley Cyrus fans tuned into Crisis in Six Scenes?

There are websites where you can find the names of actors who appear in TV commercials. The two boys playing brothers in an ad for motorcycle insurance had a huge following. That's where Allen should go for his talent. 

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