Friday, January 14, 2022

The Hours and Times (1991)

Didn't make homosexuality sound like any fun at all. John Lennon (Ian Hart) and the Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein (David Angus), travel to Spain in 1963. Lennon was married and had a child and Epstein was gay and apparently in love with him.

In one scene, they meet an anti-Semitic Spanish fascist.

The guy playing John Lennon didn't really look like him, but once in a while you see him at the right angle and you can see a resemblance. Set before he switched to granny glasses.

Black and white. They drive through the city, the camera aimed out the side window looking upward so we see the buildings and not the cars parked along the street. I wondered what it would look like filmed in the age of digital video. It wouldn't be an improvement.

58 minutes. Available on the Criterion Channel.


  1. When I first saw the photo, I thought the guy in shades was playing Roman Polanski.

    Keep up the good work, Waldo, your column is always an entertaining and insightful read (don't you love the way I called it a "column"?)

    1. Thank you very much. You're very kind.

      Sorry it took me this long to respond. This thing wasn't letting me reply.
