Sunday, September 4, 2022

Day of the Dolphin (Mike Nichols, 1973)

A serious drama about a dolphin that was taught to speak and understand English with a limited vocabulary. 

"Was he---excited?" George C. Scott says when he heard the animal sexually harassed a female assistant.

They get a lady dolphin to join him in the tank after that.

People using scientific wonders or miracles of nature to do stupid crap has long been a mainstay of cinema. In Der Golem (1920) a rabbi brings a huge clay figure to life and his assistant uses it to kill a guy for sleeping with his girlfriend.

In this movie, government conspirators use the talking dolphins in a plot to assassinate the president.

Kind of a sad story. It was more violent but similar to a Flipper episode in some respects. Give them simple instructions and the dolphins have more on the ball than anyone imagined.

Directed by Mike Nichols. Written by Buck Henry.

Free on Movieland.Tv.

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