Thursday, April 13, 2023

My Old School, documentary

Documentary about a Scottish guy in his 30's who impersonates a teenager and goes back to his old high school. His classmates thought he looked about forty. They thought he was a teacher or an assistant and didn't understand why he was wearing a school uniform and sitting at a desk among the students. I guess they came to accept him. His knowledge of 1980's punk rock should have tipped them off.

I don't know how he liked high school the first time, but he said he hated it the second time. 

I think I'm giving away the ending:

It turned out that he graduated from high school, went to medical school, did well at first then flunked out. He applied to other medical schools but none would accept him, so he took another run at it. He would graduate from high school again, get into medical school again under another name and see how it went. 

Some of the kids benefitted from his being there. They got to study with a 30-year-old genius which got them into college and into pretty good careers.

The movie doesn't show the man today. They had an actor who looked vaguely like him who lip-synched the interviews they did with him. There were live interviews with his former classmates, mixed with animation. Toward the end, they showed video and still photos of the guy in high school, performing in the school play and so forth. 

You have to have some flexibility. Instead of going to ridiculous lengths to achieve your goal, find a different goal. Is being a doctor really that great? 

Available on Hulu.

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