Wednesday, March 20, 2024

They explained why a Tiger was in Africa

Forbidden Jungle (1950)

A safari of sorts slowly makes its way through the jungle. They all appear to be white, but several of the men are forced to carry a cage holding a tiger. They somehow made it clear they were in Africa. The hunter leading the group explains that he caught the tiger in India and was heading for North America but on the way he got another assignment in Africa, to find a 30-year-old jungle boy who had grown up with the animals. He was afraid of losing the tiger so he put it in a cage and carried it with him into the jungle. It was a stupid explanation, but at least they explained it.

Not much to say about it. In the opening shot you can see that the movie was filmed in a studio in front of a painted backdrop. Maybe they planned on cropping the image to make it a wide-screen movie, because you could see the top of the backdrop. But it was part of the aesthetic. Of all the things wrong with it, that was pretty minor.

A lot of stock footage of wildlife. With Crash Corrigan in a gorilla suit.

Available on Pub-D-Hub. It's public domain, so probably available other places as well.

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