Friday, May 31, 2024

Behind the Curve (2018)

I have no specific memory of when I first learned that the world was round. We did have a globe in my house and there was a Bugs Bunny cartoon about Columbus, so I was probably hip to it before I started school. I do remember reading about The Flat Earth Society in the 1970s. They barred you from joining if you just wanted to make fun of them. It was a fundamentalist Christian group. 

Behind the Curve is a documentary about people who believe the Earth is flat.

The Flat Earthers today seem to be from a wider range of backgrounds, run of the mill conspiracy nuts who've taken it to a new level.

The movie focuses on Mark Sargent. If he wasn't a major figure among Flat Earth believers before, he is now. 

We briefly see a young woman who lost boyfriends when they found out she was a flat earther and a guy whose divorce was about to be finalized. Membership in this cult isn't doing them any good, but at least a few of them got to star in a documentary, appear on talk shows, speak at conventions, get reported on in the local press and be low level celebrities. 

Free on Tubi. 

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