Friday, May 24, 2024

Morgan Spurlock, RIP

Morgan Spurlock has died at 53. Best known for his documentary, Super Size Me, about him eating nothing but McDonald's for a month. He suffered terrible health effects, but other people who tried the same thing couldn't duplicate his alleged results.

In McDonald's defense, I once sat and ate dinner with some of my brother-in-law's family visiting from out of state. They spent days driving around eating only at nice restaurants and they felt horrible, going days on end eating huge meals three times a day. If they had gone to McDonald's, they could have gotten a little hamburger and small fries. And they would have saved a fortune. The worst fast food in the world can be a dainty alternative.

Spurlock died of complications from cancer. Even if his documentary was fake, McDonald's has done just fine, better than they deserve. He made some people cut back on it which is didn't hurt anything.

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