Thursday, May 30, 2024

Criminally Insane (1975)

The tagline was "Two hundred fifty pounds of maniacal fury!" 

An overweight woman murders people who come between her and her food. 

I remember seeing the box for this in a video store about 35 years ago, and it was attacked in The Golden Turkey Awards. 

It wasn't terribly well-made, but what do you expect? It had synchronized sound, which not all that director's films did. The poor woman is released from a mental hospital and starts killing people. Cruel both to the overweight and the mentally ill.

Only an hour long, but it reportedly took five weeks to film.

Directed by Nick Millard. It's the only movie of his I could find on streaming video, which is sort of sad. He directed 71 movies in a career spanning more than 50 years.

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