Friday, August 9, 2024

Law vs Billy the Kid (1954)

The guy playing Billy the Kid (Scott Brady) was about 30, but people looked older in 1954. He was awfully well-groomed. I don't think I've seen anyone in real life with his hair parted that neatly. I didn't know they had Vitalis back then.

Watching the documentary about the recently discovered photo of Billy the Kid playing croquet, I learned things I didn't know about him, like he worked for an English guy, hence the croquet. This movie was historically accurate in that regard. Billy works for an English guy who is murdered by local law enforcement. Billy the Kid was a terribly loyal employee who evens the score.

The movie opted for clarity over realism. Everything is brightly lit and explained in dialogue. Directed by William Castle, later known for his gimmicky horror movies.

Only actor I recognized in it was Alan Hale, Jr.

Had things you don't expect in a western. They put up Christmas decorations in the jail and Billy goes into a Mexican restaurant over-decorated with colorful rugs hanging on the walls.

Free on Tubi.

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