Sunday, August 25, 2024

Bad Girls Do Cry (1954/1965)

The director.

I'm getting worse and worse. I watched a 1954 film, Bad Girls Do Cry, directed by Sid Melton (Green Acres' Alf Monroe). It wasn't released until 1965. A sex movie with no sex or nudity. We do see a woman changing her clothes a couple of times but she wears proper undergarments.

A tall blond lady moves to the big city. She gets a job as a waitress. Someone suggests she go for a modeling job, and she does, but she's attacked, drugged and forced into prostitution. I don't know how that made her a "bad girl" and she never showed any strong emotion. The movie made it seem less upsetting than you'd probably imagine.

Filmed without sound and dubbed. A lot of scenes without dialogue or with someone talking on a phone, or we hear them talking in the next room. In a couple scenes, two people are talking but they never show the person speaking. They keep cutting to a close-up of the other person listening thoughtfully. The opposite of "Dragnet editing".

There were only nine characters which is fine. I didn't notice while watching, but according to IMDb, only one character has a name.

Free on Tubi.

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