Sunday, September 8, 2024

New Adventures of Old Christine, psychoanalysis

Pluto started showing The New Adventures of Old Christine, so I started watching that a lot. Binge watching doesn't work that well. Sit com characters tend to be one note and they get old really fast. I can't remember if I watched this show when it was still on or if I only started watching it in syndication. I remember the kid being the center of the show, the reason Christine is in constant contact with her ex-husband and his girlfriend, with her brother and with the mean moms at his high-priced private school, but the kid does almost nothing on the show. He's there for about a minute in each episode then he runs off to his room.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the daughter of a French billionaire in real life. I don't know how I should feel about her playing a less well-off mother constantly being put down by the wealthy mothers at her son's school. 

More of a sex comedy than I remembered.

Also, I've been reading Hollywood on the Couch by Stephen Farber and Marc Green. "A candid look at the overheated love affair between psychiatrists and moviemakers." Psychoanalysis was really really big among celebrities. Woody Allen was pretty average in that regard although he may have stuck with it longer than most.

It made me wonder if that was my problem. If rich successful celebrities go for psychoanalysis, it must be good. It's shocking how many actors, writers, directors and producers are named in the book, and a little disturbing that this private medical information was public knowledge. I started thinking maybe I should go for psychoanalysis. It's expensive, outdated, and I don't like the idea of "transference". To quote Wikipedia:

In a therapy context, transference refers to redirection of a patient's feelings for a significant person to the therapist. Transference is often manifested as an erotic attraction towards a therapist, but can be seen in many other forms such as rage, hatred, mistrust, parentification, extreme dependence, or even placing the therapist in a god-like or guru status.

And I realized that I was no better than people who think Scientology must be helpful because Tom Cruise is in it.  

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