Friday, June 21, 2019

Eddie Murphy, John Landis, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas

I didn't watch Saturday Night Live during the Eddie Murphy years. I knew a dumb guy who loved Eddie Murphy and that turned me off to him. When Beverly Hills Cop came out, he said he just wanted to watch it to hear Eddie Murphy's laugh. That would be worth the price of admission! I told him he could hear that on the commercials. Why didn't he just watch the commercials?

But I did watch a couple of minutes of an episode of SNL during that period. Eddie Murphy was playing Buckwheat from The Little Rascals. He tells members of his entourage that HE'S the big star, not them, and he physically attacks one of them forcing him to the floor and lying on top of him.

Which is pretty much what Murphy described doing to John Landis. Read the last entry.

 Eddie Murphy was apparently playing himself.

I sided with Eddie Murphy against John Landis in their feud (which I heard about for the first time yesterday), but maybe they were BOTH right.

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