Sunday, July 12, 2020

I continue reading Apropos of Nothing

Mia Farrow gazing at Ronan, ignoring former favorite Fletcher Previn.
I continued reading. I'm up to the molestation accusations against Woody Allen.

It's getting hard to read. It's like trying to re-watch Breaking Bad. I know all the terrible things that will happen in each episode and I already know the terrible ordeal Allen, Soon-Yi and Moses went through.

He noted that Mia Farrow was from a degenerate family. That's my word for it, not his. Her parents were drunks, her brother is in prison for child molesting and he was apparently sexually aggressive with his sisters when they were kids. Mia Farrow wasn't estranged from him---he had contact with her and her children which ought to concern her more than it seems to.

There's alcoholism and drug addiction in the family. She had three brothers. One committed suicide, one died flying a plane and there's the child molester. Mia was no picnic herself. She asked Allen to marry her when they'd only been dating a short time and said she wanted to have his child.

There's some new information about her favoring some children over others, especially her biological children over her adopted children. She favored Fletcher when they first started dating. At one point, Woody had to go to Paris and wanted Mia to come but she'd only go if she could take Fletcher. Woody asked if it wouldn't bother the other kids that only he got to go.

One thing about this book----Woody Allen has always been known to be terribly shy, unable to deal with parties. He has trouble talking to people, he can't make small talk with the actors he's considering and wishes he could just hire them without speaking to them. But he does so much socializing. I don't think I could do that. Just the meals with people would be too much.

I was surprised a year or two ago to learn that the world is full of people who won't eat alone in restaurants and won't go to movies alone. I've never considered eating or sitting silently in a theater to be social experiences. But for some reason I read a post online from a guy who desperately wanted to see a new Star Wars movie but he had been out of town, his friends had already seen it and he couldn't possible go alone. What if the girl at the candy counter thought he had no friends! What then?

I always bring food home and eat and watch TV. Every meal is like dinner theater.

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