Sunday, August 9, 2020

Jojo Rabbit

The movie critic Judith Crist wrote about a screenwriter she knew. He said he was writing a World War Two movie, but this movie would be different. In his script, the Nazis were bad.

There was a long period where Hollywood movies about World War Two presented Germans as secretly anti-Nazi, talking privately about their hatred for Hitler but still fighting the war out of simple patriotism. 

One of the more repellent examples was The Eagle Has Landed. Michael Caine plays an English-speaking Nazi who leads a band of Germans on a mission to kidnap Winston Churchill. In an early scene, Caine rescues a Jewish girl from some less virtuous Nazis. 

I don't know that Jojo Rabbit was much better. They loved Hitler and hated Jews in a cartoonish way, but the Nazis were either nice or ineffectual or adorable. It was the U.S. that firebombed Dresden, but in the end, the movie made the Soviets the villains. All the Soviets did was fight the Nazi Army. They were killed by the tens of millions. At least 40% of Soviet troops taken prisoner by the Germans died.

Make it a double feature. Watch it with Tarkovsky's Ivan's Childhood or Klimov's Come and See, both movies about boys in World War Two.   

On further reflection, maybe The Tin Drum would be a more fitting second feature.

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